Get In Touch

Windsor: 519-250-4390
Kingsville: 519-733-2666
Leamington: 519-322-1575
Sarnia: 519-330-3655
London: 519-430-3090
Cambridge: 519-568-5415
Frequently Asked Question!

To qualify, you must:
Be an Ontario Resident
Have a valid Ontario Health Card
Have a disability requiring a mobility aid for 6 months or longer
ADP does not consider your income.
You do not qualify, if you:
Already qualify for or are receiving financial support from the
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board for the same mobility aid
Are a Group “A” veteran and already qualify for or are
receiving financial support from Veterans Affairs Canada for the same mobility aid
The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) will help cover the costs of:
manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs and power scooters
power add-ons (devices added to a manual wheelchair if you don’t need a power wheelchair)
positioning devices (e.g. cushions, back and head supports, power tilt and recline)
wheeled walkers for adults
pediatric walkers, standers and strollers
A formal Assessment by an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist registered as an ADP Authorizer is required. (Fee for Assessment to be paid directly to Therapist) This will confirm that you need a mobility aid and determine which type best suits your needs. ADP Application must be completed by you and your Therapist.
We Wellness & Mobility Inc. will then fill your prescription based on the Therapist’s application.
You Have A Choice! You can choose the company you want for your mobility equipment and services whether you reside at home or in a long-term care facility. Other mobility companies may offer similar equipment but service is where we excel!
You can apply to replace your mobility aid if:
Your medical condition and/or functional ability has changed
and your current mobility aid no longer meets your needs
Your body size has changed and your current mobility aid no longer fits
The mobility aid is worn out, no longer covered by warranty
and cannot be repaired at a reasonable cost
ADP will pay 75% of the ADP price for mobility aids. You must pay the remaining 25% of the cost.
When ADP sets the ADP price for each mobility aid, they take into account:
Manufacturer’s and/or distributor’s costs
Complexity of device
A business can’t charge you more than the ADP price for the approved device.
You have to pay for additional items not covered by the ADP (e.g. batteries for power wheelchairs).
The ADP covers 100% of the cost, if you receive financial support from one of these programs:
Ontario Works
Ontario Disability Support Program
Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities
Call Our Office or see bottom of the page to fill out our Contact Form if you wish to inquire about a Rental.

Certified Wellness & Mobility Products
Certified products from a variety of vendors here to satisfy your needs
We provide a large variety of wellness and mobility products

- Bath Aid Products
- Walkers
- Incontinence Products
- Wheelchairs
- Braces
- Catheters
- Lift Chairs
- Compression Stockings
- Ostomy Products
- More